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Friday, October 24, 2008

11:53 PM

I shall introduce a new term today!!


Today went out with Andee and Alvin, pei them go to mustafa and bought their casio watch. Was so tempted to buy but did not cause i am saving money! Need to save money now... Anyway after that was wanting to go meet other frens at orchard but did not cause cannot ps my brothers. So we ended up taking random buses to dunno where. Whenever we see a bus we just hop onto it! Then dunno how went back to my school and then we decided to go to queenstown to look at shoes. Then ate laksa over there the traditional way. Super nice the laksa!! Went over to IKEA and just basically looked around for room design ideas! Was so tempted to open up my mouth to my parents and say i want a room of my own. But however also wanted to continue staying with my grandparents. If not they very lonely here. Next time!! When i have a room i will design it myself! HeHe ^^...


Thursday, October 23, 2008

11:43 PM

Today went to school for a CDS lesson at 2. When i reach there i thought of goin late cause just wanna see the whole class intact. Then when i went late everyone was outside of the class still waiting for the teacher to come in. Waited waited waited all the way till 2:18 still haven't come. Then a teacher helped us to open the classroom door. Went in sat down decided to wait a bit longer. Waited for 40 freaking mins and the teacher still not here. Decided to leave and went to meet Andee at his house. Then we went out to meet Alvin, Joey and Lester for House bunny. The show is super funny!! Its like super funny and super stupid!! She turned 7 freaking girls into total hotties!! Not only that she looks like a bimbo but she actually made a difference in other people lives. How many people can do that.... Super nice person even though she did all these in funny ways.


11:42 PM

Well school has got off to a rough start. Well trying to carry things on from where i have now... Trying... A chance maybe??


11:40 PM

Some times parents... They are so hard to figure out... When there is nothing wrong, they see it as something wrong and make a big fuss about it. Then in the end its always my fault!


Friday, October 17, 2008

8:41 PM

So happy pass few days. Was at chalet with AC peeps, okok lets start off with this post.

1st day!

Arrived at chalet and check in everything done we went in. OMG the room inside was like super smelly. Ah pei came up with the analogy that someone was doing it inside and left over some things all over the room, thats why it was so smelly. But in fact it was just sweat smell. Shift shift shift and do some adjustments then Des, JG, Dinesh and Dorothy started to play MJ. Me being someone who do not know how to play MJ sat there watching TV with Duke. Then Esther called and went out to pick her and she join me and Duke in the TV marathon. All the way tll 9, hungry hungry hungry and finally the MJ people finished. Took a bus outside and we ate KFC, then Jenna came. YEA another TV marathon partner..... Luckily when we went back to chalet we started to play china man! SUPER FUN game, you all should try it sometime. Drank like a little bit of rum, then ran out and started to just drink soft drinks. Was just bloated instead of being drunk. Did not sleep the whole night, instead played dota and CS with Duke. Des and JG. They took turns. When it was like passed 7 am i could not sleep at all. So Des suggested that we went down to play basketball. So we did, just played for about 2 hours and everyone had to go do some stuffs.

2nd day!

So all of us went to did our individual stuffs and met back at chalet later. Went home to shower and met with JG at bout 4pm, bought chicken rice and waited for the rest to arrive. Then Dinesh drove his car here with our subcoms YingGen, Li Kiang and Shakina. All night long nothing much. Just basically played China Man and more China Man. Dinesh and Ying Gen got so drunk that they could not control themselves anymore and broke one cup and spilled one cup of drink which was like totally nice liquor. Finished up with the game and we watched soem tortue video of birthday boys last time. Then all of us went to bed cause in a few hours time we were going to sentosa!!!

3rd day!! SENTOSA DAY!!

Woke up with only like 2 hours of sleep and did not really feel like moving. So dragged my ass out of bed and prepare to go to sentosa. Was planning to sit in Dinesh car but did not wanted to wake them up to ask them stuffs so went off with Ah pei, Ying Gen and Li Kiang. Was at the bus stop when i was thinking that have to top up card again. Sian! use money again. Then my saviour came! Ah pei decided to flag down some car and ask them to fetch us out to the bus interchange. The first car did not stop and then a van stopped! The uncle asked us where we were going and we justed asked him to drop us off at white sand. Than when we were on his car, he asked us where we were heading to and we said sentosa. He said it was on his way to jurong so he offered to give us a lift to Harbourfront. OMG super nice uncle! But at first i was scared cause his car was like in the movies those kind that will kidnap kids one and then when we were in his van he offered us water to drink. I did not drink but when Ying Gen and Ah pei drank they fell asleep. So i decided to stay awake for the whole journey. When we reached we just said thanks and we proceeded to sentosa!! Had fun in the sun with all the ac peeps.. Playe volleyball swimming and also threw people into the swimming pool. Was fascinated by ricky and wei zhen dancing haha... Caught it on video guys! Played and played until dinner time then went back to vivo. By the time we went back to chalet the guys were so hungry that they cook for themselves le. Was too tired to do anything but anyway highlight of the chalet came. Three cars drove around haha we went to changi airport to see the planes and then to changi village to see bapok! Trevor went to wind down the wind screen and jian guang was face to face with the bapok haha.. Then the other 2 cars saw things that we were not suppose to see. Then went all the way back to chalet and was too freaking tired to do anything le. Just slept and des went to disturb me in my sleep. When i woke up it was time to leave the chalet and we packed up everything and left for home.


Friday, October 10, 2008

12:33 AM

Today was a preparation day on the surprise on Cheryl! We had prepared her gift all month and now we are finally going to pass it to her. We told her yesterday that we will be meeting her for dinner, she had no idea what we were about to do haha. We all met at bedok inter to buy a cake for cheryl, this small cake had a small toy on top. It was cute according to what they girls said which suited cheryl. Anyway we camped outside cheryl house, waiting for her to come out. As usual she was still late, we were trying to get her to come out of the house fast. Kept on calling and calling her and when finally she came out eug and serene jumped out and stun her!! Then just sang a basic birthday song for her and she was super stunned!! haha.. She at first thought that we were some students from opp coming over to smoke behind the stairway... But no!!! we were here to suprise her haha... Received the present which was super nice i must say haha. Next time i post the pics, Cheryl was like high on air, super super happy. She saw all the hearts on the present and was like super super happy super super high. Till the extend whereby when we were at mac she forgot her purse haha.. Luckily the mac people kept her purse and we got it back. Super tiring the pass few days. Now im goin to go bed!! GOODNIGHT WORLD!!!


Thursday, October 9, 2008

11:50 PM

I'm suppose to add this yesterday, but anyway was too tired to do so. Yesterday went out with li wei, eug, cheryl and serene. Hais the other group dun know where they go off again. Anyway also had alot alot of fun hehe. Went into the skating ring and there were like alot of people. i was thinking on my mind, " OMG! I'm going to look like a total NOOB..." Cause i do not know how to skate or blade, I'm so scared to like fall down. The last time I came here i fell down a few times and its all on my butt which was very very painful. Went in and tried on the skates, took one size bigger cause did not want to make my leg suffer big time. Which turned out to be a stupid mistake afterall. All of use wanted to save money and squeezed all our bags into one locker!! Then we went on into the ring!! So excited but at the same time scared also. Inside i was so unstable, but i must say handled it quite well. Was there and saw many familiar faces, some were from TP, but also saw my secondary school friend, so took this chance to caught up with him. He tried to push me down, and at the same time li wei came over and hit me on my back. As a result i did not know who to respond to and fell down onto the ground. Fell onto my backside!! hais.. Not as pain as on the floor haha, but still painful. There was like this guy who was dun know trying to show off or what. He was like goin around at top speed and also stopping just before some people and kick ice up at people. I was thinking if he had tried on me i will surely just shout back, accidentally he sprayed the ice on eug. Eug being the direct gurl that she was, jus said fuck right in his face. haha!! Halfway through we decided to play catching and all of them gang up to catch me, even when i caught someone slower who was serene haha... They would still help her and tag me back. Going all out at that somehow let the shoe cut into my leg haha.. Now i have a big cut at the back of my leg haha... After the whole day of ice skating went over to had dinner and took mrt back. On the mrt li wei was bouncing while asking me for my psp. Then we all had a go at the DJ Max, haha li wei was trying so hard to keep up with the beat and gave up halfway. Reached home and immediately changed and went out to meet bros.. Andee, Alvin, Eden and Joey. Went there to play bball, abit stupid of me thinking about what is happening to my leg. But did not really care already, if its like that then it is. Now i have to rest my leg and hopefully it will heal... EVERYONE TAKE CARE!! Dont be like me!! take care world!! haha..



Nigel Bascially.
Monkey to some.
22 Nov 1990.


Li Wei
Kok Keng
Ying Ying



September 2008
October 2008



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