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Monday, September 29, 2008

2:58 PM




Saturday, September 27, 2008

2:10 PM

Actually had nothing to do... but in the end had to go to school to meet the advisors to do the cameron highlands memo.... OMG so much more stuffs to do... All i have to do.. OMG one man army le hais. Later at night met up with Andee, Alvin, Eden and Joey to play bball. Stupid lazy me did not wanna bring my shoes, in the was the only sucker playing barefooth. Stupid me still play until like got wear shoes like tat.. Now i have 4 big blisters on my leg.. 2 for each. Hais... But it was worth it.. Too long never catch up with them le, too busy with school work and cca... Gona use these 2 weeks to do so... Hopefully i can still do it...


Thursday, September 25, 2008

11:32 PM

I find that i am very discipline today. Went out with Alvin... Went all the way to Tampinese to buy some materials needed for someone, thanks Alvin for accompanying me. Once we reached there, spent like half an hour deciding on the one to buy, so many choices..... Cheryl! You had better appreciate it!! Erhmmm... Moving on, met up with Andee at Plaza Singapura. Suppose to help him with some birthday card that he wanted to design. In the end went to their teacher HIGH CLASS shop and looked at all the materials. It was like soooo.. Expensive can!! Still.. There was like tons of people at the shop. The cards that was displayed there was so nice. Each a unique design, thats why i say that hand made presents are the best. Can show the sincerity and the commitment... haha. Although expensive, i think the items in the shop are really very nice, worth the money. However being poor broke like us, we did not buy anything, could not decide which to buy. Andee then went over to his teacher and asked her to help, but she could only do so after 8. So we went to had dinner first, i was super broke with only 4 dollars in my pocket. I resist and did not buy anything else! haha... Discipline is the KEY! Went off with them next to play pool. Also did not spend money! Muahahaha!! Went home after that and like cam whore on the mrt... When i get the pictures i post ok?? haha... i think i kena influence by the bunch of canalis gurls le..... take too many pics le haha...


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

2:34 PM

Had dinner with the peeps from Canalis... Ok first of all must apologise to Cheryl for bringing her to the eight dollar chicken rice. I did not know it will be so expensive. Anyway, was like suppose to be at changi village, but last minute we went over to pasir ris elias mall. We had like to walk 15 mins to reach the place far away from pasir ris MRT only to find out i had a direct bus there. We were all like stoning there trying to think of what to eat and also waiting for Ying2 and Wei Shan to arrive. In the end started playing complete the story game again. Waited and waited for one hour before finally Ying2 and Wei Shan. Wei Shan was like so hesitant to get in cause it was her auntie shop. She was like so pai seh till Ying2 finally persuaded her to come in. Once in we asked the shop lady to start serving, so professional right, like in a restaurant like that. After which we ate everything clean. All of us was like so hungry and was like we waited for one hour plus plus then we ate everything in like what less than 30 minutes. Once finished we went to the playground nearby to rot and cam whore. Cause Wei Shan was like keep asking us to leave the shop. Saying that she do not want to stay inside anymore. Anyway jus slack and cam whore all the way till we reach home. As usual i dont know hw to post pics again. Sooner or later i will know how k and i will post!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

10:48 PM

Some of the cam wore pics...

Chalone in case many of u people do not know is a brand of a bra....
Was in town with Cheryl and Li Wei.... Was suppose to go job hunting but ended up looking at alot of shopping instead. And my term of shop is girls shopping. It was a total girls night out for them. I just followed them everywhere, going from dun know what name shop to unknown name shop number 2 then to unknown shop number 3. All inside only gt like 1 or 2 guys... Then sometimes only me the only guy. Came across this shop at CK tangs and was like totally freaked out. Some guy jus like followed us from one side of the stall to the other stall to give us samples of the perfume. Li Wei and Cheryl said i was attractive to that guy.. OMG.. Final shop number was CHALONE!! Cheryl and Li Wei were saying some guys dare to go in by themselves and were daring me to go in and walk one round. Im like... "Nooooo......". Pls dun.. They were like laughin and saying "u alr fit the category to enter alr la". All i did to satisfy them a bit was to just stand at the door way of the shop.. Did not really dare to go in.. So pai seh!! After that jus did abit of cam whoring with Cheryl and Li Wei... In which i still dunno how to post pictures.. Will do if in future i know haha..


Saturday, September 20, 2008

4:13 PM

I'm so happy today... My uncle from the states bought a webcam for me. I know it is nothing much but its like i have not been finanically stable to afford one. And now finally i have one. Yea can finally play web cam le. Though it can be weird too... Thanks to the cheryl, eugenia and serene who helped me with the blog yesterday. And i know i am slow but bear with me haha.


Friday, September 19, 2008

10:57 PM

Ok let me start off by saying that i know nuts about bloggin...
Whatever URL link or things i dunno. So please if there is anyone. Come and teach me step by step, one by one. What am i to do, please help me. Thank You very much!!



Nigel Bascially.
Monkey to some.
22 Nov 1990.


Li Wei
Kok Keng
Ying Ying



September 2008
October 2008



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